Dear All,
As a supporting organization, we would like to share with you the exciting news of the FDI Moot Asia-Pacific Regional Rounds in Seoul. Together with the Center for International Legal Studies (CILS) and Seoul National University School of Law, and with compliments of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea, KCAB will be hosting the FDI Moot Asia-Pacific Regional Rounds from 16th to 19th August in Seoul.
Increasing international investment, the proliferation of international investment treaties, domestic legislation, and international investment contracts have contributed to the development of a new field of international law that defines obligations between host States and foreign investors and refers to internationalised procedures (e.g.ICSID) for resolving related disputes. These disputes involve not only vast sums, but also a panoply of rights, duties, and shifting objectives at the juncture of national and international law and policy. The FDI Moot helps future lawyers attain a practical understanding of these issues. The case and hearings offer a unique forum for academics and practitioners from around the world to discuss developments - and assess emerging talents. The FDI Moot spans approximately six months each year in two phases, written memorials for claimant and respondent and the hearing of oral argument. Regional rounds for Asia Pacific (Seoul) and South Asia (New Delhi).
For more information please visit
With best regards,