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Japan, the United States and Australia strengthen submarine cable cooperation to deal with China

Date:2021-05-08  Hits:104

Japan, the United States and Australia will strengthen cooperation in laying submarine cables for international communication and data transmission to counter China, which is rapidly expanding its influence in this field, Yomiuri Shimbun reported recently. The three countries will join hands to participate in the new cable laying project in the Pacific region, and their policy financial institutions will give financial support to the relevant plans.

According to the report, the Japanese, US and Australian governments and relevant personages from all walks of life of industry, University and officials of affiliated enterprises discussed the above issues at a meeting held in March, and all parties agreed to strengthen cooperation in the field of submarine cables. At the meeting, a plan was also put forward to strengthen the sharing of information on China's trends and to carry out cooperation at the financial level on the submarine cable laying plan in the strategic areas.

According to the report, the reason why Japan, the United States and Australia want to strengthen cooperation is that China is rising rapidly in the field of submarine cables. Although American and European enterprises occupy about 90% of the submarine cable market, the industry ranking of Chinese enterprises is rising. In addition, Chinese enterprises also actively participate in the bidding of submarine cable projects.

The report points out that Japan, the United States and Australia hope to help build the so-called reliable communication network with the support of their own policy financial institutions.

According to reports, in January 2021, the Japanese electric company won the construction contract for laying submarine cables between Palau, the Pacific island country, and the United States. In the plan, in addition to the Japan Bank for international cooperation, some institutions with government background in the United States and Australia will also provide financing. The policy of Japan, the United States and Australia is to carry out more similar cooperation in the future.

Source: China Trade News
