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Colombia extends temporary acrylic sheet against China

Date:2021-06-08  Hits:427

2021 Nian Yue 31 May, Colombian Trade, Industry and Tourism Ministry released 2021 Nian Yue 28 on day 141 GN, decided to originating in China acrylic plate (Spanish: láminas de acrílico ) validity of the provisional anti-dumping measures extended three months, continue to set minimum prices FOB 3.93 Meiyuan kg, the price of the product concerned below the minimum price, the levy equal to the difference between the minimum price and the FOB price declared provisional anti-dumping duties. The announcement takes effect from the date of issuance. The Colombian customs code of the product involved is 3920.51.00.00 .

2020 Nian Yue 27 days, the Colombian Ministry of Industry Trade and Tourism published 2020 Nian Yue 26 on day 151 GN, originating started anti-dumping investigation on China's acrylic plate. 2020 Nian 11 Yue 30 days, the Colombian Ministry of Industry Trade and Tourism published 2020 Nian 11 Yue 27 on day 238 GN, make preliminary anti-dumping on Chinese products involved, initially set a minimum price of offshore 3.93 Meiyuan kg, the price is lower than the The minimum price of the involved products is subject to temporary anti-dumping duties equal to the difference between the minimum price and the offshore declared price.

