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"Unprecedented isolation of the United States"

Date:2022-02-10  Hits:124
   The Latin American news agency of Ecuador published an article entitled "the isolation of the United States in Latin America has reached an unprecedented level" on February 3. The author is Emil Sade. The full text is excerpted as follows:
   Since the great changes in the international situation, the United States has projected itself into a world hegemonic force. This phenomenon also occurs in Latin America.
   The expansion of the Neo liberal model is this hegemonic economic form. Latin America is the region with the most neoliberal governments and their most radical forms in the world. This is the strongest manifestation of US hegemony on this continent.
   The "short life" of the Neo liberal model reveals how short the legs of this hegemony are.
   Mexico, Brazil and Argentina, the most important economies in Latin America, soon began to suffer from the economic crisis under the neoliberal model.
   The trend of the United States in Latin America is more and more isolated, less and less support, and more and more hostile governments. This trend has been strengthened since the emergence of Latin American Progressive governments.
   These governments made it a priority to get rid of neoliberalism rather than consolidate neoliberalism and resisted various US proposals for Latin America. They oppose the US policy towards Latin America by choosing the process of regional integration rather than the free trade agreement with the United States.
   These governments represent an autonomous space related to American politics. The United States began to focus its support on neoliberal governments and conservative forces in the region. Mexico, Colombia and Chile became the privileged governments of the United States in Latin America, while Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia and Ecuador became the opposite of the United States.
   Gradually, the United States is losing its most important "relationship" in Latin America. First, Mexico's Lopez ovrador won, then Chile's Gabriel borrich won, and finally Colombia's center left candidate petro had a very realistic possibility of winning. Brazil's bosonaro's possible defeat and Lula's victory will further consolidate this trend.
   While the strength of the camp supporting the United States has weakened, the strength against the United States is strengthening. For the first time, this camp will be able to rely on the three most important countries in Latin America, Argentina, Mexico and Brazil. U.S. policy has been to try to stop this alliance. When negotiating the external debt of these countries, the United States and the International Monetary Fund will always make concessions to one country to prevent it from forming alliances with other countries. The United States has also been trying to distance Mexico from Argentina and Brazil and create contradictions among them.