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Chinese companies attended the Caribbean Association of Nations Conference Business Forum

Date:2024-05-15  Hits:9

Paramaribo News: The 16th Business Forum of the Association of Caribbean States opened in Paramaribo, the capital of Suriname, on the 6th.The Suriname Chinese Enterprises Chamber of Commerce and a number of Chinese companies participated in the conference to showcase the good image and business capabilities of Chinese companies.The forum was held within the framework of the Association of Caribbean States Conference in Suriname and lasted for two days, attracting more than 400 participants.

During the period, the Chinese Enterprises Chamber of Commerce in Suriname was invited to attend the conference, including China Minmetals 23 metallurgical Corporation, China Road and Bridge Corporation, Sinohydro, China Heavy Duty Truck, Hunan Lishi, China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau, Dalian International, Zhongrong Hai (Marine) Logistics Company, etc. 

Chinese companies prepare exhibition boards, videos, models, brochures, etc.During the period, Chinese Ambassador to Suriname Han Jing carried out on-site introduction and promotion work to the visiting Suriname President Dan Dorje and the participants.He said that Chinese companies have been committed to promoting Jiangsu's economic development and have made various preparations for this, hoping to explore cooperation opportunities in more fields in the future.

According to the Suriname Chinese Enterprises Chamber of Commerce, many participants deepened their understanding of Suriname-China economic and trade cooperation after listening to the Chinese introduction.The Chamber of Commerce is willing to take this forum as an opportunity to play the role of bridge and link, establish a good brand image of Chinese enterprises, and promote in-depth cooperation with the Caribbean region.Shan Duoji highly affirmed the construction capabilities and construction quality of Chinese enterprises.He said that Chinese companies have carried out many construction projects in Jiangsu, and have cooperated closely with Jiangsu in various fields and achieved fruitful results, and he looks forward to more cooperation opportunities in the future.The Association of Caribbean States Suriname Conference was held from the 6th to the 9th, including the 29th Ministerial Conference of the Association of Caribbean States, the 8th Caribbean International Cooperation Conference, the 16th Business Forum of the Association of Caribbean States and other activities.
