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The logic behind the rise of Indonesia’s manufacturing industry

Date:2024-05-27  Hits:11

Chinese companies have changed Indonesia's steel manufacturing industry and helped the entire country get rid of the dilemma of the "resource curse". In terms of new energy batteries, Chinese new energy material companies represented by Liqin and Huayou, lithium battery companies represented by CATL and Longpan Technology, and new energy vehicle companies represented by BYD and Wuling have all gone to Indonesia and invested heavily in building factories, laying the foundation for Indonesia to become a global electric vehicle producer. 

Last October, the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, a landmark project of the "Belt and Road" cooperation between China and Indonesia, was officially opened to traffic, shortening the journey from Jakarta to Bandung to only 40 minutes. It not only greatly facilitated personnel exchanges between the two places, but also formed the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway Economic Corridor between Jakarta and Bandung, accelerated the flow and aggregation of production factors between Indonesian cities, and promoted the development of local supporting industries such as smelting, manufacturing, infrastructure, electricity, electronics, services, and logistics. 

On both sides of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, factories of Chinese manufacturing companies such as Wuling Motors, Mengniu, Haier, Skyworth, and Sany Heavy Industry have been completed and put into production like mushrooms after rain, adding bricks and tiles to the manufacturing cooperation between the two countries.Last November, the Zirata photovoltaic power station, 5 kilometers west of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, was officially connected to the grid. Designed and built by China, the power station is the largest floating photovoltaic project in Southeast Asia, providing a steady stream of clean power for manufacturing companies in the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway economic corridor. For Indonesia, the investment and construction of factories by Chinese manufacturing companies can bring advanced technology and productivity, cultivate skilled labor for Indonesia, and transform Indonesia's resource advantages into production advantages. The cooperation between China and Indonesia in the manufacturing sector has effectively promoted the upgrading of Indonesia's industrial structure and will continue to enhance Indonesia's position in the regional and global production value chain.
