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Overseas Chinese in Rio donate relief supplies to disaster-stricken areas in southern Brazil

Date:2024-05-27  Hits:6

Wang Weiyu stressed that China and Brazil are good partners who share a common destiny and move forward hand in hand, and are also good brothers who help each other and stand together through thick and thin. Since the disaster, the overseas Chinese community in Rio has been paying close attention to the flood disaster in Rio Grande do Sul, and is deeply saddened by the serious disaster and the loss of life and property in the state. 

Many overseas Chinese groups took quick action to donate money and materials to aid the disaster-stricken areas. He said that the Consulate General in Rio appreciated this, and hoped that the overseas Chinese community in Rio would continue to carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation of helping the needy, work hard, and give back to Brazilian society. He also sincerely wished that the people affected by the disaster area could return home as soon as possible and resume normal production and life.Lin Feifan said: "Brazil is our second homeland and the place wher we live. 

We love this land and the people here. When we learned that Rio Grande do Sul had suffered a serious disaster, we immediately organized the Chinese in Rio to donate money and materials, and also contacted the Rio Air Force base to help us deliver the materials to the disaster area as soon as possible. We are willing to work with the people in the disaster area to fight the disaster together, and we also wish the people affected by this disaster to cheer up and rebuild their homes as soon as possible. 

We will continue to pay attention to the local disaster and provide assistance, and wish the friendship between China and Brazil to last forever." Colonel Silva said that since Rio Grande do Sul suffered a flood, all the attention and efforts of all sectors of Brazilian society have been focused on improving the living conditions of the people in the area. The civic awareness shown by the Chinese community in Rio during this disaster has made all Brazilians respectful. He also expressed his gratitude to the Chinese community for their generous donations and support. Since the end of April, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, has suffered severe rainstorms and floods, causing heavy casualties and property losses. As of the 20th, 157 people have been killed and more than 2.3 million people have been affected.
