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release time:2022-07-21        view times:22        Return list

用透明 圆顶贴纸突出显示的项目 可以激发人们来找您,因此可以吸引更多可能的客户。该产品特别适用于奖杯中心、徽章、标志、纪念品、礼品和车贴。透明圆顶贴纸对于办公室或学校中的姓名和个性化物品特别有用。这些贴纸赋予普通物品更多价值,从而对客户和朋友产生更大的影响。如果您从事业务,那么在公共场合露面是获得公众支持和市场份额的最佳方式。您强大的品牌知名度可以为您带来更多相关的潜在客户和利润。

那么 环氧圆顶贴纸 是最适合您的产品。环氧树脂贴纸由聚氨酯制成,以这种技术浇注在每个贴花上,形成透明圆顶,使其具有高品质的 3D 外观。透明涂层可以让您的环氧树脂圆顶标签引起人们的注意,寻找每个人都会注意到的“流行”。环氧贴纸主要用于包装纸、罐头、瓶子、CD袋、信封和文件夹。在当今的大多数车辆上,制造商的品牌标志都印在环氧树脂贴纸上。一般环氧贴纸也称为环氧气泡贴纸和环氧3D贴纸。

PU 圆顶贴纸经久耐用,其立体外观引人注目。 聚氨酯圆顶贴纸 在品牌推广、品牌识别方面非常有用。PU 涂层圆顶贴纸是任何企业以不同方式展示其形象的完美解决方案。

冰箱磁铁 是环保设备,可以显着降低功耗。鉴于人类在其活动的各个领域中使用的真正数量庞大的制冷装置,后一种情况极为重要。

metal labels are often used on equipment or assets that are used in caustic environments, have significant outdoor exposure or are attached to assets susceptible to abrasion. metal asset labels typically show serial number information, barcodes and text-based information that is either printed, embossed or chemically etched onto the surface of the tag.

License plates are made of metal and are rarely lost or stolen. They are usually only damaged in a car accident. The more secure and durable nature of plates gives them an advantage over placards.

Aluminum's advantages stem from holding its integrity for longer. Aluminium license plates don’t yellow, crack, curl, warp, or break, and they won’t rust or corrode. Screen-printed aluminum auto tags will last a minimum of 5–7 years in terms of the non-fade ink life, and often longer. With aluminum it’s more the non-fade ink life that’s of concern, since the aluminum plate itself can last 10 years or more.

Plastic license plates are cheaper to produce and purchase. That's their advantage, of course. It comes with a tradeoff, though: Tag life for plastic car tags is less than for aluminum.

Just like regular stickers, these beautiful and elegant stickers are easy to use. It is possible to make stickers according to your preferences. In order to make your product more appealing, you should follow a few tips and tricks. On the other hand, you can look up any design online. Using these ideas you can create hologram stickers that stand out.

Warranty void stickers use special technology in the material in production. once peeling off the sticker, hidden VOID/custom logo or text will show on face material and posted objects, which is obvious proof of tampering. The label can reduce the security risks of shipment and encourage potential buyers to purchase the product with full confidence. What's more, it can reduce the risks of package pilferage or the theft and resale of products.