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Most Beautiful

Date:2018-01-27  Hits:38

Most Beautiful

Duolun Road toilet

Address: 280 Tian'ai Road

Completed at the beginning of 2013, this toilet has been rated as the most beautiful one in Shanghai for three consecutive years since 2014. It is frequently used by tourists visiting Duolun Road, shop assistants working nearby and senior residents living in the neighborhood. The restroom has even been identified by some Japanese visitors as one of Shanghai's must-go locations.

The well-designed toilet is devoid of any smell, thanks to the unique ceiling which facilitates natural ventilation of the area. Measuring about 38 square meters, this unisex toilet provides umbrellas on rainy days as well as simple amenities such as medicine kits and disposable trousers. Seats are also available at the entrance so that pregnant women and elderly people can sit while waiting for their turn.

The Oldest

Haining Road public toilet

Address: 514 Haining Road

According to Shanghai's environmental quality monitoring center, this toilet dates back at least 70 years and is the oldest of its kind in China. It was even featured in a Shanghai road map that was published in 1947.

However, some experts pointed out that public toilets with flushing systems first emerged in Shanghai in the 1920s. Since the Haining Road toilet has this function, it is possible that it was built during that time, which means that it might be around 90 years old.

Today, the toilet is used by about 25 residents every hour. Despite its age, the restroom is well-maintained and does not smell, thanks to its ceiling which is similar to the one in Duolun Road toilet.

Most Eco-friendly

Bei'an Road toilet

Address: Bei'an Road, Yuepu town, Baoshan district

Since it was opened to the public last December, the toilet has not been charged a single cent for electricity consumption - it operates using power generated from the 30 solar panels on its roof. Apart from supporting the facility's energy needs, the electricity generated by these panels can also be used by nearby amenities.

In addition, the central roof of the toilet is built using tempered glass, removing the need for lights to be used during the day.

Designers of the toilet also installed an underground reservoir to store water that people have used to wash their hands. The water is then reused for flushing purposes. The designers said that this recycling method would help to reduce water consumption by half.

Most Relaxing

Wangjiangyi No 001 toilet

Address: Junction of Baibu Street and Binjiang Avenue

Besides being a space where people can answer the call of nature, this toilet in Shanghai's Lujiazui financial district also comes with a leisure area where people can enjoy the scenery of the nearby riverside region. Professionals working nearby can often be found relaxing in this recreational zone during their lunch break.

It is expected that more of such toilets will be introduced to the district in the near future.
