On behalf of Chinese business community, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) holds a strong opposition to the policy recommendation paper drafted by B20 Argentina Secretariat.
CCPIT has been actively organizing Chinese business communities to participate into the discussion of all the taskforces and we have made many constructive propositions. We have also clearly stated our opposition on unilateralism and protectionism, advocated the principle of ownership neutrality to the enterprises of different ownership and submitted our revision to the text to B20 Argentina Secretariat.
However, it is regretful that some recommendations in 2018 B20 policy paper turn a blind eye to the legitimate concerns of Chinese business community and state a biased and unbalanced viewpoint on SOEs’ behaviors in market competition, production overcapacity, special focus on implementation standards of integrity and compliance of SOEs etc..This policy paper has not reflected the actual discussion of the business communities and their recommendations, thus gravely violated the most basic consensus-building principle of B20. Therefore, the Chinese business community holds strongly that this policy paper shall never be disseminated or published in the name of B20, neither should it be submitted to the G20 leaders in any form.
On behalf of the Chinese business community, CCPIT hereby solemnly make a repeated appeal to B20 Argentina Secretariat that the principle of consensus building should be faithfully observed, opinions of the Chinese business community should be respected and adopted, and material revision should be made in B20 policy paper, in particular policy papers of taskforces on Trade & Investment and Integrity & Compliance to avoid a devastating effect on the B20 process and cooperation.