A joint expedition team of China and Myanmar has finished their mission recently and collected more than 6,000 specimens of plants and animals, the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) said Friday.
Over 20 researchers from CAS and the Ministry of Resources and Environmental Conservation of Myanmar carried out a field biodiversity survey in a wildlife reserve in the Sagaing Region in northern Myanmar between May and June.
Two new species of fish and more than 10 new species of plants were believed found, and important discoveries were made in plant survey.
Quan Ruichang, leader of the team, said that one specimen of each species would be kept in Myanmar, and the others would be brought back to the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden for further scientific research.
China and Myanmar have jointly conducted eight field biodiversity surveys in northern Myanmar since 2014. Researchers found 25 new species of plants and 12 new species of fish and insects in the previous seven surveys.