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Six reasons why foreign trade website SEO traffic drops

Date:2022-01-08  Hits:238

You often encounter some independent export and foreign trade promotion station promotion friends who say that the SEO ranking of the website that you have done before has droped a lot recently. Some of the original keywords have disappeared, and there will be many keywords that have not been done. The key is that the ranking starts from The first page or the second page gradually droped to the third and fifth pages, and gradually decreased, some disappeared immediately, and the gradually decreasing keywords have not been improved. Today, Hubei Jiunuo High-tech is here to share with you. Let's take a look at the many reasons for the decline in SEO traffic of independent export and foreign trade websites and six things that must be checked.

Below are the top six things you should check when your website traffic is down.

1. Website content quality

One likely reason for slowing down your website traffic is the quality (or lack thereof) of the content you publish on your site. Previous Google upgrades like Panda have long been dedicated to solving the problem of low-quality content on websites. Three or two sentences: Panda is going to block websites with poor content in Baidu search.

Beyond that, everyone knows that classic scientific research shows a correlation between longer content and higher rankings in the SERPs.

Notably, Google penalizes low-quality content and rewards high-quality content. This begs the conundrum, what constitutes high-quality content?

Turn your content into great content with

Go to the database index, delete or improve the "door leaf" or the dynamic converted web page, this kind of web page does not have too much of course traffic and work together for longer content (the content of each chapter is increased by more than 2000 words)

Use high-quality graphics in your content

Respond to your potential users' dilemmas with in-depth cultural and educational content

Minimize advertising and pop-ups that ruin the customer experience

Design solutions for easy navigation and/or a clear operator interface

Don't worry, and according to your details

If you've ever experienced a drop in organic chemistry flow, we'll have pity on you. This is most likely scary, since lower traffic means less visibility, which means less conversions and less revenue. You can basically imagine that everything you do is hard to improve and suddenly separate at the interface.

2. Google Search Console

Check that your Google Search Console account is at the top of this directory for a very simple reason: it tells you how much traffic your site is getting and what it is about. That's why Search Console should be the starting point for your automated search of your website's traffic generation. According to Google Search Console, you can improve your site's visibility and check its database indexing. It is important information about the details of how the site works.

3. Tracking code

Sometimes, the reason for the decline in website traffic is that the data information is not reliable. One of the most common areas wher this is likely to happen is your website's tracking code. Difficulties in analytics reporting are likely to occur because changes to website coding and even analytics software are likely to cause problems with tracking coding. Therefore, in order to better save the inconvenience of viewing more complex areas, please carefully check the tracking code of your website first.

Help yourself by ensuring that the tracking code is properly installed first. Go to the Tracking Codes section - look for it in Manager → Tracking Information Content → Tracking Codes - and search for the top of the page. This will give you an idea of how well the code is working as expected, and that Google Analytics can reliably pick up the data.

If you notice something is wrong, or you must ensure that the tracking code is properly installed, please go to Google's Google Analytics Help page for troubleshooting alerts or contact your webmaster/developer.

4. Shifts in Google’s optimization algorithm

Google changes its optimization algorithm several times a year, and it is reported that the company's optimization algorithm changes 600 times a year! While most of these upgrades include minor changes, including inadvertently major upgrades like Hummingbird or Panda, there's a good chance that this upgrade can really wreak havoc on your traffic and search rankings. Weidu marketing and promotion has always paid attention to the necessity of Google's marketing and promotion. The marketing and promotion of export and foreign trade websites at a very high level is to carry out SEO improvement for Google's optimization algorithm. That's why it's important to keep up with SEO global trends from start to finish, so you can see that optimization algorithm upgrades are coming, or you can figure out what to do once they're published.

Retrieve this resource to explicitly optimize the characteristics of algorithm changes. Search for the following informational content:

How will Google be punished?

Why Google made this change

How to deal with this penalty and how to maintain Google's benefits

Armed with all of this information, it's your job to take steps to make sure your site isn't prone to violating Google's new optimization algorithms and avoid future problems.

5. Website redo/transfer conundrum

If you've recently done a website rework or transfer and then see a drop in traffic, you must check and find out if you've inadvertently destroyed or removed some content that's eligible for your export website promotion throughout the process.

For example, page page rate - more and more critical these days with fast websites. Google has determined that page page speed is a ranking factor for mobile devices (keep in mind that Google has taken mobile preference into account). So it's no surprise that page rate is a particularly important ranking factor; slower sites represent lower rankings and traffic.

If you've recently made a redesign or move that's causing your site to load more and more slowly, especially on mobile devices, there's a good chance it's confusing you again. Even if you spend a lot of money to reduce load times, it's well worth it for your website traffic and rankings.

Site redesign and transfer is a complex problem that often causes a lot of problems. Some other things that inadvertent site transfers are likely to keep going wrong include:

A. Termination of service items

B. Unsuccessful jump completion

C. Missing Content or Databases

D. Shattered connections and images

E. Loss of internal links

F. Transformation of Information Architecture

This problem can be prevented with a lot of careful planning and quality assurance, but if you're experiencing traffic damage now, it's too late! Working with the export trade website production company to deal with this dilemma and deal with everything that is likely to go wrong with you throughout the process here, so that you can preferentially deal with this kind of dilemma.
