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Biden says he is considering cutting tariffs on China

Date:2022-05-25  Hits:190

Source: Reference News Network

According to a Reuters report on May 23, U.S. President Biden said on the 23rd that he was considering reducing the tariffs imposed earlier on Chinese goods.

According to the report, Biden said at a press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Tokyo that these tariffs were imposed by the previous administration, and the current administration has not taken any additional tariff measures.

According to a report by the Hong Kong 01 website on May 23, US President Biden said on the 23rd that he was considering withdrawing some of the tariffs imposed on China. Biden still called "uncertain" in January about whether to remove tariffs on China. This time is arguably the clearest response from the U.S. government to its intention to roll back the tariffs imposed during the Trump era.

According to the report, many U.S. officials have previously “released” the tariffs imposed on China under Trump. Among them, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said she advocated the removal of some tariffs imposed on Chinese goods exported to the United States, because tariffs are not of great strategic significance, but they are harming the interests of American consumers and businesses.

According to reports, there are still differences of opinion in Washington on this. Yellen and Commerce Secretary Raimondo are in favor of cutting some tariffs, but US Trade Representative Dai Qi hopes to maintain the levy to protect the jobs of American workers, and believes that the reduction of tariffs will make The U.S. loses leverage in negotiations with Beijing.