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Linyi wholesalers big order at Guangzhou Toys Exposition

Date:2016-04-18  Hits:176

High-tech toys displayed at the 28th Guangzhou International Toys & Models Exposition gave a new horizon to Linyi wholesalers.

For his toys are half-purchased by Linyi distributors, Chen Yanhui (3R), a toy manufacturer from Guangdong Province, sincerely greeted Linyi wholesalers at the exposition.

April 18, 2016 (Linyi China) – Over 300 wholesalers from Linyi City went to Guangzhou to attend the 28th Guangzhou International Toys & Models Exposition a few days ago. During the exposition, Linyi wholesalers signed more than 300 items of purchasing contracts amounted 1 billion yuan with a number of strong companies both at home and abroad. As an addition, strategic cooperation amid toys wholesalers of Linyi City and the world’s largest toys production base was pushed ahead during the exposition, a new sign that nongovernmental chambers in the charge of government make great contribution of the development of Linyi Trade City.

based on the domestically largest markets clusters, Linyi Trade City has built up a grand pattern of “Buy from Nationwide, Sale to Nationwide”. Amid dozens of industrial categories conducted by Linyi Trade City, the toys industry is always ready to achieve the national top-selling record honor. Up to now, there are more than 1 thousand toys distributors booming rapidly at Linyi Trade City, providing all-round categories of baby products including prams, plush toys, perambulators, and 70% of which have managed to market their own products.

As a trans-sectoral association managed jointly by Linyi Civil Affairs Bureau and Linyi Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Linyi Wholesalers Association authorized a new branch especially for toys industry on March, 6th, 2016. With the attendance for the 28th Guangzhou International Toys Exposition, the debut of Linyi Wholesalers Association, the association stormed the Guangzhou City with Linyi characteristics.

Official figures shows that wholesalers have signed more than 300 items of purchasing contracts totally amounted 1 billion yuan at the three-day-exposition, significantly promoting the development of trade and logistics of Linyi City.
