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The “Belt and Road” international skills exchange event came to Thailand

Date:2024-05-27  Hits:26

The Chinese skill expert group for this exchange activity is composed of expert teams from China's training base, national-level skill master studio and high-skilled talent training base. The purpose of this event is to share the excellent achievements of China's vocational skills development with the countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, and to provide skills training for Thai contestants and experts in the second Belt and Road International Skills Competition. 

The second Belt and Road International Skills Competition will be held in Chongqing from June 24 to 26, aiming to promote skill exchanges and cooperative development among the countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative. This competition has a total of 18 competition events, involving industries such as information network cabling and new energy vehicle technology, and widely invites countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative and relevant member countries and regions of the WorldSkills Organization to participate. Chatsada, director of the Skill Standards and Test Development Department of the Thai Ministry of Labor, said: "We hope to create an exchange platform between Thai and Chinese educational institutions and the labor market to reserve more skilled talents for Thailand. We hope that the Thai young people who go to China to participate in the competition will broaden their horizons, learn more advanced technologies, and bring these valuable experiences back to Thailand and apply them to future studies and work."
