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Seeing is believing | Visa free transit for 144 hours to see colorful China

Date:2024-07-23  Hits:35

Seeing is believing | Visa free transit for 144 hours to see colorful China

On July 15th, the National Immigration Administration issued a notice

144 hour transit visa free applicable port "Shangxin"

Directly increase to 37

This provides more choices for foreign tourists' China Travel

The opening of Xinzheng International Airport

Let Henan Yin Ruins oracle bone inscriptions, Luoyang Longmen Grottoes, etc

The traditional history and culture of the Central Plains are within reach

The opening of Yunnan Sanyi International Airport

Make Cangshan, Erhai and ethnic minority customs "within reach"

The opening of Mohan Railway Port

Enable Southeast Asian tourists to easily reach China

Experience the infinite charm of this land

As China continues to expand its visa free "circle of friends"
Continuously improving the convenience of foreign tourists coming to China
On multiple overseas social media platforms
'China Travel' has become a popular search term
Billions of views
Take a quick look at China through the '144 hour transit visa free policy'
Many 'crooked nuts' were shocked
So you are such a China
Tear off the 'old label'
China's nighttime is indeed very dangerous
British blogger 'Jason in China' says
——You can't go out casually
Otherwise, you will encounter a night market snack stall
It's easy to 'run out of money'
I will gain ten pounds more

Foreign friends visiting China at night have discovered
Even if women walk alone at night, they are not afraid
Instead, it will collide with the increasingly beautiful night economy
Seeing the tech savvy Optics Valley Sky Track in 'Cyber Wuhan'
Appreciating stunning drone performances in Shenzhen
Developing a 'Chinese stomach' in snack streets and night markets
During a brief 144 hour stay
The Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Terra Cotta Warriors
Still the preferred "three piece set" for foreign travelers traveling to China
But the characteristic small town has also attracted many foreigners
Minority destinations such as Dunhuang in Gansu, Lijiang in Yunnan, and Shangri La
It has also become a "check-in spot" for foreign tourists

When foreign tourists put on Hanfu and eat delicious food
Sitting on the high-speed train, paying with a mobile phone
I felt the real China
Spontaneous and voluntary recording into videos for wider dissemination
Applied to China
Prejudice labels such as' backward 'and' dangerous' have been torn off
Let more people see the security and modernization of China
In the hearts of more foreign netizens
Planting Grass "" China Travel "
Redefined China
Click on hot search memes to experience China in multiple ways
Is it a city
A popular internet meme created by foreigners in China
Showcasing the unique charm of various cities in China

In the travel photos of foreign travelers
With authentic fermented sour milk made from ground mung bean wow gold from Beijing Hutong
Comfortable city walk on Wukang Road in Shanghai
Shenzhen's' hardcore 'drone delivery service
When Chengdu street intangible cultural heritage inheritors perform Kung Fu tea
'True Qi Exposed', Flowing Clouds and Waters
Mobile payments readily available
Enable foreign tourists to fully experience the experience
Deeply feeling that '144 hours is not enough'
Riding high-speed rail has become an advanced way for tourists to 'open up China'
The high-speed rail speed racing against time
Attracted many foreigners to take photos in front of the speed display screen in the carriage
2-hour tour of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai
1-hour transportation between Guangzhou and Shenzhen
Half an hour direct from Beijing and Tianjin
Highly popular
Open up new horizons
On the 897 meter long escalator at Tianmen Mountain in Zhangjiajie
Warm greetings from Chinese and foreign tourists in both directions
Greetings to each other, high five
This unforgettable scene
It is a witness to China's opening of doors and embrace
With the continuous optimization of convenient communication measures
In the first half of this year
14.635 million foreign arrivals at various ports across the country
Year on year growth of 152.7%
Among them, 8.542 million people entered without a visa
Year on year growth of 190.1%

Recently announced
The World Economic Forum's "2024 Tourism Development Index" shows that
China ranks eighth globally in promoting tourism development
It is the only developing economy among the top ten
It is expected that the popularity of foreigners coming to China will continue to rise in the second half of this year
With the surge in traffic of "China Travel"
Overseas bloggers have become cultural exchange ambassadors
on a journey
They are facing China face-to-face
After traveling
They see China again
Displayed on the 'big screen of the world'
Stimulated more people's interest and curiosity in China
