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Tajikistan business delegation came to Linyi for inspection

Date:2024-05-27  Hits:22

From May 19th to 20th, Ms. Sun Yanqin, Executive President of the Shandong Fellows Association in Germany and Business Representative of Tajikistan, led 8 businessmen including Mohammed, Representative of the Tajikistan Chamber of Commerce in China, and Mohammed Zhunov, Director of the Sugd Free Economic and Trade Zone of Tajikistan, to visit our city for business inspection. Chu Bing, President of CCPIT, met with the guests and held discussions. Wang Shuangcheng, member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice President of CCPIT, attended the discussion and accompanied the guests on the inspection.

At the symposium, Chu Bing welcomed the visiting guests and gave a detailed introduction to Linyi's economic and social development and industrial advantages. She said that Linyi has built China's largest market cluster, with developed trade and logistics, complete industrial categories and rich product varieties. Tajikistan is an important participant in the China-Central Asia cooperation mechanism and an important country along the "Belt and Road". As an official trade and investment promotion agency, Linyi CCPIT will actively play its own advantages to help Tajik guests connect with local enterprises and market resources, and build bridges for exchanges and cooperation between the two places.

The guests from Tajikistan said that Tajikistan has huge demands for key mineral exports, infrastructure construction, and small commodity procurement, which are highly consistent with Linyi's industrial advantages, and there is broad space for cooperation with Linyi. They hope to strengthen cooperation and exchanges with relevant industry enterprises in Linyi in the future to promote the development of trade and investment business between the two sides. At the meeting, Linyi CCPIT signed strategic cooperation agreements with the Tajikistan Chamber of Commerce and the Sugd Free Economic and Trade Zone of Tajikistan.

The Tajik guests visited Linyi mainly to inspect and purchase engineering machinery vehicles, new energy vehicles and small commodities. The guests visited Shandong Lingong Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd., Lingong Second-hand Vehicle Corps, Xinyimeng Second-hand Car Trading Market, Lanhua Far East Automobile Market, Lantian Second-hand Car Market, Linyi Small Commodity City, and Linyi Light Textile and Labor Protection City. Through the visit and inspection, the Tajik merchants reached a purchase intention with 4 enterprises in our city.
