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2024 Linyi Mall Overseas Buyers Trade Fair (Kazakhstan Special) was held

Date:2024-06-17  Hits:30

In order to further implement the strategy of prioritizing trade and logistics, accelerate the pace of internationalization of the mall, enhance the international brand influence of Linyi Mall, expand the international market share of Linyi Mall's local products, and promote the high-quality development of Linyi Mall, on June 14, the 2024 Linyi Mall Overseas Buyers Trade Fair (Kazakhstan Special) and International Trade On-site Observation Meeting were held.

The theme of this event was "New Opportunities for New Linyi Merchants to Go Global (Kazakhstan)". During the event, relevant persons in charge of the Linyi Mall Management Committee, Linyi Municipal Bureau of Commerce, and Linyi Wholesalers Federation introduced Linyi Mall and interpreted Linyi Mall's internationalization policy and Linyi's foreign trade and foreign investment policy. 30 buyers from Kazakhstan talked about friendship, deepened exchanges, and discussed cooperation with mall companies.

At present, the relations between China and Kazakhstan in the fields of economy and other fields are becoming increasingly close. We came here from seven cities in Kazakhstan. I believe this trip is very meaningful for our merchants. Merchants from all over the world are gathering in this city to participate in the development of this famous commercial city. We hope to join this platform, gain experience and improve our capabilities." said the representative of Kazakhstan buyers.

The event is hosted by Linyi Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Linyi Mall Management Committee, Linyi Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Linyi Foreign Affairs Office, Lanshan Mall Management Committee, and undertaken by Linyi Wholesale City Federation and Xinlinshang (Shandong) Enterprise Consulting Management Co., Ltd.
