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Linyi City Investment Promotion Work Dispatching Meeting Held

Date:2024-06-27  Hits:16

On the evening of June 9, the city's investment promotion work dispatch meeting was held. Ren Gang, secretary of the municipal party committee, presided over and delivered a speech, and Zhang Baoliang, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, delivered a speech. Ren Gang pointed out that since the beginning of this year, all counties, districts and development zones have deepened their understanding, increased their efforts, and accelerated the pace of investment promotion, and have done a lot of work. There are more and more projects, and the projects are started faster and more practically, and their contributions are gradually showing. However, it should also be noted that the current external environment is complex, effective demand is insufficient, and there are few good projects. 

The more in this situation, the more we must strengthen our confidence and determination, and the more difficult it is, the more we must move forward. We must go against the current, overcome difficulties, grit our teeth and move forward, catch up with more projects with the efforts of persisting for a while, accelerate the realization of overtaking on the curve, and promote Linyi's high-quality development to a new level. Ren Gang emphasized that in order to break through investment promotion, we must focus on the following work: We must "review the past and learn the new", continue to care for and serve the old projects that have been put into production, and make every effort to ensure that the enterprises are fully produced and effective, and be cautious and careful from beginning to end.We should start a second business, rely on old enterprises, large enterprises and backbone enterprises, attract investment through business, strengthen services, attract more projects to land, and support local enterprises to become bigger and stronger. We should adhere to the "real, good, and fast" requirement, highlight the "real" requirement, and the number of projects, investment, funds in place, output value, and tax revenue should be real, so as to seek truth from facts and have a clear mind. We should pay attention to the "three transformations", focus on standardization, clarify the concept of investment projects, and strictly identify standards; focus on specialization, focus on their respective key investment areas, hire experts and third parties to guide and control, strengthen investment team training, and solve the problem of "not understanding and not seeing through"; focus on industrialization and develop professional investment. 

We should break through the investment promotion of the primary and tertiary industries, give play to the advantages of agricultural product resources, and strengthen agricultural investment promotion; focus on improving the contribution of the tertiary industry, strengthen investment promotion in the service industry, and promote the coordinated efforts of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries and advance in parallel. We should promote the "six investment promotions", deepen strategic investment promotion, scenario investment promotion, chain investment promotion, capital investment promotion, data investment promotion, and technology investment promotion, and improve the accuracy and success rate of investment promotion.We should comprehensively attract investment. 

On the basis of consolidating the responsibility of counties and districts, we should strengthen town investment with enclaves and parks as the starting point, tighten the responsibilities of industry special teams and municipal departments, and form a comprehensive working situation. We should strengthen municipal coordination, improve the mechanism for the coordinated promotion of major projects, integrate the city's resources to upgrade the tough battle, and strive to land more large and good projects. We should strengthen land security. On the premise of keeping the red line of farmland protection and the bottom line of food security, we should fully study policies, provide guidance and training, and fully guarantee the land for projects by concentrating indicators to build enclave parks and revitalizing idle and inefficient land. We should increase incentives, and give preferential rewards to those who have achieved remarkable results in attracting investment in terms of indicators, funds, and the use of cadres, so as to form a clear orientation. We should strengthen the team, deepen the reform of investment promotion institutions, fully equip and strengthen high-level personnel, and enrich the investment attraction force. We should highlight the responsibility of state-owned enterprises, give play to the advantages of state-owned enterprises in talents, funds, technology, and markets, build a number of new quality industrial parks with high quality, strengthen capital management and operation, and accelerate the transformation from "urban investment" to "industrial investment".To ensure smooth operation, municipal departments must each assume their responsibilities, take the initiative, closely cooperate and work together to take on more responsibilities and make more contributions to the city's development.
