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Yemeni businessmen visited Linyi City for inspection and docking

Date:2024-07-23  Hits:4

On July 13, four buyers including Ali, a Yemeni businessman, visited Linyi. The delegation held discussions with relevant associations and enterprises in our city, and went to Linyi Mall for in-depth market research and docking.

 During the discussion, the Municipal Trade Promotion Council introduced in detail the main functions, business scope and development of the trade promotion agency and Linyi Mall, and focused on promoting the distribution of major industries and products in our city according to the other party's procurement needs. It is hoped that the purchasing delegation can find the desired products and reach more cooperation with our city's enterprises. 

Afterwards, the Yemeni buyers visited the Lanshan Mall Exhibition Hall, and went to Linyi Auto Parts City, Home Appliance Kitchen and Bathroom City, Lighting City, Linyi Small Commodity City, China Hotel Supplies City and Haoduobao Supply Chain and other related markets and enterprises for field visits. The purchasing delegation expressed a strong interest in Linyi's new building materials and textiles and clothing, and said that it would further strengthen communication and deepen exchanges and cooperation with Linyi enterprises. In the next step, the Municipal Trade Promotion Council will do a good job in follow-up services, build a bridge and bond for cooperation between overseas buyers and our city's enterprises, and promote pragmatic cooperation between the two sides.
