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Linyi CCPIT went to Beijing to carry out investment promotion activities

Date:2024-07-23  Hits:6

From July 8th to 10th, Song Jian, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of CCPIT Linyi, led a team to Beijing to conduct investment promotion inspection activities. Chu Bing, President of CCPIT Linyi, Wang Haibo, Deputy Director of Linyi International Trade Procurement Service Center, and relevant responsible persons of Yihe New District Investment Promotion Bureau accompanied the inspection.

Song Jian and his delegation visited China Logistics Co., Ltd. The company is a mixed-ownership enterprise under China Logistics Group, with more than 80 subsidiaries, more than 2,600 employees, and an asset scale of 12.5 billion. It is a professional supply chain operation service provider that integrates road and rail transportation, multimodal transportation, international freight forwarding, warehousing and distribution, special logistics and other services. The delegation held a discussion with Zhang Rui, deputy secretary of the party group and general manager of Logistics Co., Ltd. 

The two sides discussed and exchanged views on the layout of Linyi Logistics Hub network, the construction of international logistics channels, the railway logistics park in Yihe New District and the construction of engineering machinery logistics enterprises, hoping to seize the opportunity of Linyi's national logistics hub city construction, establish a cooperation platform, and help Linyi's export-oriented economy develop with high quality. Song Jian and his delegation also visited the Industry Promotion Department, Exhibition Management Department, Development Research Department and Liaison Department of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, as well as the Commercial Industry Trade Promotion Council of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and visited Beijing Fengneng Energy Technology Co., Ltd. for inspection and exchange, and coordinated and promoted matters that needed help after the company's project landed in Yihe New District.
