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Linyi CCPIT led a team to visit the Central Asian Exhibition

Date:2024-08-16  Hits:3

Linyi CCPIT led a team to the Central Asia Exhibition and Sales Center in Uzbekistan for inspection and exchange. On August 4, a delegation of seven people, including Chu Bing, Chairman of Linyi CCPIT, Miao Zhuang, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, and Wang Shoutang, Director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Yihe New District, and six chambers of commerce and enterprises including Linyi Wholesalers Federation and Haoduobao Supply Chain, visited the Central Asia Exhibition and Sales Center in Uzbekistan and held discussions with General Manager Harry.

Harry accompanied the delegation to visit the exhibition center, introduced the exhibits in the permanent exhibition hall, and introduced the business environment, investment and trade preferential policies, and local hot-selling product categories of Uzbekistan and Tashkent in detail, combining the product categories and demand of the enterprises accompanying the delegation. He also put forward opinions and suggestions on investment and trade and risk prevention measures. Wang Shoutang introduced the industrial development, investment projects and preferential policies of Yihe New District in detail, and Miao Zhuang introduced the development of eight advantageous industries in Linyi. The two sides conducted in-depth discussions on positioning the direction of cooperation and expanding the scope of cooperation, laying a solid foundation for the two sides to further strengthen economic and trade cooperation and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

In the next step, the delegation will continue to play a good role as a bridge and link, comprehensively analyze and judge the advantages of Linyi's trade and logistics and the adaptability of various professional wholesale markets to the Uzbek market, leverage the resource advantages of the Central Asian Exhibition and Sales Center, provide all-round services and promote Linyi enterprises and products to actively go abroad, strive to open up the Uzbek market, and strengthen economic and trade cooperation with Uzbekistan. The delegation also conducted an on-site investigation of the Absa black market.
