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Linyi City Key Industrial Project Construction Promotion Meeting

Date:2024-09-19  Hits:0

On the afternoon of September 8, the city's key industrial project construction promotion meeting and investment promotion dispatch meeting were held.

Ren Gang, secretary of the municipal party committee, presided over and delivered a speech. Ren Gang pointed out that since the dispatch meeting on June 9, all counties, districts and industrial special teams have been working hard and doing a lot of work, showing the characteristics of many small and medium-sized projects, faster and faster start-up speed, relatively good project quality, relatively large progress in the province, and relatively solid contribution to output value and tax revenue, and the quality and efficiency of investment promotion have been further improved. However, we must also see that there is still a gap compared with advanced cities, and we need to work hard on attracting large projects and improving investment promotion efficiency.

All levels and departments of the city must tighten up, seize the current golden period of project construction, and make every effort to sign contracts, grasp construction progress, and grasp production and effectiveness, so as to strive for a new breakthrough in investment promotion and project construction this year. Ren Gang emphasized that investment promotion should establish a correct view of political achievements and should not be for the sake of recruitment. We must adapt to the situation and pay attention to changes. The tighter the macroeconomic situation and the more adjustments are made to investment promotion policies, the more we must strengthen our confidence, determination and perseverance in attracting investment, and the more we cannot wait and see. We must react quickly, adjust quickly, accurately grasp the policies of superiors, persevere in attracting investment and industry, and strive to seize opportunities and take the lead.

We must move from extensive recruitment to precise recruitment, conduct in-depth research on what we have, what we lack, what we want, who to attract, how to attract, input-output and other issues, accurately match the actual needs of the objects of attraction, and continuously improve the pertinence and success rate of investment promotion. We must move from layman recruitment to expert recruitment. First of all, investment promotion must understand business, study hard, be familiar with industrial technological innovation and transformation trends in the field of attraction, be professional, profound and fashionable, do not speak layman's words, and speak more about what enterprises want to hear and can understand; the business and investment promotion departments must run investment promotion training courses well, and the Party School must strengthen "short, flat and fast" training in the field of science and technology to continuously improve the ability and level of attraction. We must move from "empty-handed" recruitment to capital recruitment, enhance investment banking thinking, build a fund matrix, strengthen project allocation, and attract high-quality projects through capital operations.

We should shift from administrative recruitment to market recruitment, grasp the trend of "investment promotion is becoming more and more a specialized industry profession", make good use of methods such as state-owned enterprises leading investment and intermediary investment promotion, and use market forces to attract investment. We should shift from generalized recruitment to exclusive recruitment, strengthen the "development and reform" thinking of municipal departments, improve comprehensive planning capabilities, fully integrate Linyi's exclusive resource advantages, deepen scene application investment promotion, and attract more good projects and large enterprises to Linyi. We should shift from ignoring cost recruitment to focusing on contribution recruitment, strengthen awareness of taxation, output value, and employment, strengthen data comparison and matching, and calculate balance accounts and long-term accounts. We should shift from blind recruitment to foresight recruitment, look at investment promotion with a development, connection, and professional perspective, keenly capture industry trends, accurately predict market changes, deeply perceive the introduction period, growth period, maturity period, and decline period of industry development, make plans in advance, and attract popular, large-market, and potential projects.
